2023 Vision
As another year arrives and everyone begins to share their words and goals for the new year, well I’m here to share the words that were brought to me an hour after the clock struck twelve.
Why has generation after generation passed and there is no change? I’m tired of being the shadow of another generation who taught things their way. Apart from that, they’re learning things that were taught by the previous generation that just aren't right. WE have to speak what is right and teach the truth despite the way we feel. We can’t lean on our emotions for this one because a whole other generation is depending on it. It’s time to be the one that starts breaking these generational curses. Rise above the hurt and the things that your family has told you from their own brokenness. Just because it happened to them, doesn’t mean they get to tell you the output on something that may not happen to you.
“Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.” — Proverbs 29:18 NIV
A healthy relationship does require two people. I’m a woman, but when I hear people say “you don’t need a man” or “be independent” You may be right, but to actually obtain a healthy relationship, you can’t run away or have that attitude when disagreements come up. There is a lot of communicating and sacrificing. I don’t want to be scared that a man is going to let me down so let me just break his heart first. I don’t want to end or prevent a good relationship just because I have had these words and habits implanted in me for years.
These are words of fear and we can’t let them rule us. I believe our generation is seeing things in a new perspective. This isn’t going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it and we’re going to make it!
Let's even think more practical… fear is even withholding us from doing the thing we’re supposed to be doing here on earth. We are given a vision and in fear that we aren’t good enough and that we can’t, we fail to try. I know it’s easy to doubt yourself, but how can you automatically think you’re going to fail without even trying first. Other people are depending on you as well. That’s why the devil loves to try to count you out and put all these lies in your head. He knows your value, even if you don’t. It’s so easy for ourselves to be our biggest enemy. Stop thinking so much. Cast it down! I’ve also had a lot of trouble thinking I’m not qualified for things because of my past, that I will not be accepted because of my mistakes. I've learned and I saw that God still has a seat with my name on it at his table. At times, I even feel like I have to know everything before writing something, but God gave me a word and it’s time that I stop letting fear prolong what I need to do here. If God told you something… it’s for a reason. Don’t doubt it.
Lean on the strength of God to guide you and help you with whatever it is. If he started a work in you, He’s faithful to complete it. This is a grace process. Sometimes I envision the future that seems impossible, but faith beats logic. The supernatural of God beats the world’s natural. Together, we will beat fear. We are conquerors and we will see our visions come to past.
“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 1:6 NIV
Beautifully written, my friend. A great read and I totally agree that breaking generational curses is critical