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Believing You Are a New Creation

I would like to introduce you to the new me.

First impressions are everything right? The moment you meet someone for the first time, passing a stranger on your way through the grocery store, even going to a job interview. You want to be remembered. You want someone else to see the best in you. You want the other person to think you’re kind by holding the door for them… but when does all the thinking stop and the fight for validation ends and you just be.

The fight is in our minds. A toxic question that sometimes lingers in my head is “Am I good enough?” Maybe yours is “Will I ever be happy?” “Will I ever overcome this addiction” or “Will I ever have a healthy relationship with my family?”

All these doubts, questions, and “what ifs'' can cloud our minds so quickly and block out God’s truth. I believe this is one of the enemy's top schemes. The discouragement he brings when we believe in his lie that this is all that there is. God has promised us so much. (John 10:10)

One thing that has been hard for me to believe is that I am a new creation in Christ. Even though his word says, “Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!” — ‭‭ 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

The enemy was telling me my past was too messed up and I couldn’t ever be a new/changed person. It sometimes was a struggle to talk to people. I felt like they just saw all the rumors and all the ugly truths they’ve ever known about me. It was hard to listen because I would just be thinking in my head what a disgusting person I am. Then it continued to progress. I then felt not good enough for anything, not even to do what I knew God was telling me to do. There were times I would be in church during worship thinking how I'm going to reach anything with this much dirt. One lie from the enemy can turn into a life of discouragement.

I let his lie become a truth in my heart. This hindered me from pursuing God.

I went to a worship night a few months ago carrying so many burdens. I believe that praise shifts things. I showed up to praise God for who he was. In the midst of all I was doubting about myself, I focused on what I did know… that God Is Faithful. I showed up with high expectations that God was going to do a mighty work in my heart. From the songs that we sang to the message that was given… God moved! He broke chains that night in my life. “With just one touch” from our savior can change everything.

That night I learned that yes, the enemy will come and try to tell me who I am, but I don’t have to accept it! I can just hear it, cast it down and immediately give that thought to God. I encourage you to cast your cares on him today. (1 Peter 5:7)

He can break that chain you’ve been struggling with. Just keep believing! Yes, the world has seen who we were, but we aren’t that anymore. Don’t let the lies exalt higher than the truth. Believe that you are a new creation because YOU ARE. You are loved. You are chosen. You are free. You are forgiven. God does not lie. (Numbers 23:19) I pray that you will be encouraged. Continue to walk in truth every day. He is the potter. We are the clay.


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