Boldness Over Everything
It’s time to restore our focus on what’s most important in 2021. We need to start by re-examining our heartspace. The first thing I want to introduce to you is boldness. I’m not talking about mediocre boldness that possesses an evil tongue. I’m talking about boldness that can only be found within passion for and through God.
It’s like me running into a crystal clear ocean. The sun is gleaming straight through me. The water is contaminated with sharks. With boldness, I run deeper into the ocean, but I cannot drown. I am free of fear because I know the sharks cannot bite me. True boldness conquers all things. The impossible is possible. Nothing can harm a heart of true boldness.
Boldness always comes from a place of trust, truth, and courage. It’s time to unlock the boldness inside of you! Remember it has already been given to you through his spirit!
The seed of boldness comes from God. As his spirit waters you; he takes away your shame, arrogance, and fear. In exchange, for roots growing in love, power, and peace.
I use to be so ashamed of the things of my past rather it be from a tiny lie, a regretful decision, to being embarrassed of the things I had, or viewing myself so low as a person that I would continuously have sex with someone for unfulfilling value. Even then, I still continued to add more negative emotions and produce valueless situations. I know how draining that is. It took me YEARS to stop doing that to myself. The thought of you doing any of this fills me with deep sorrow… I’m NOT joking. YOU don’t deserve to feel that way.
Shame will kill you , but once you allow God’s spirit to water you, his love which is all powerful will consume you, it will flood out all the shame and produce a solid boldness that cannot be shaken. The moment I gave my shame to God, it has not returned unto me. I am able to share it as a testimony to all of you. This good news of what Jesus did for me and can do through you. I tell you this because I don’t want you living in shame anymore. I want you to unlock the freedom that is in Godly boldness, no matter how terrifying it may be to you.
This boldness enables me to speak to you about what I know is true. This is a characteristic you can possess righteously. We all have a stained past, but this boldness gives us shameless bravery to tell others about what we’ve been through. Your heart should rejoice in every trial that life throws at you because it is producing something that is greater than you could even comprehend right now. Your testimony holds value to God and to others. If you're currently going through a dark storm, remember that there is a greater purpose within the storm. I pray you would allow your eyes and heart to be open in this season. The storm will pass soon and you will be restored.