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The F E E L S

I’ve been gone for a while dealing with all “the feels.” I don’t know about you, but whenever I hear something practical or small that the spirit is telling me I pull out my notes in my Iphone and write it down.

One day I was driving to work, and I saw cars too impatient to wait for the car in front of them to turn, so they went around them. This is something small, but I heard in my spirit that we have become a self-absorbed humanity. Too prideful to feel, too impatient to wait, too bitter to be compassionate. This tiny scenario I witnessed is so practical with a huge revelation behind it. I started to hear and see more things relating to this topic afterwards.

Maybe you haven’t healed because you don’t allow yourself to grieve what happened. You’ve already built a wall. You have this persona you have to keep up with of being the “strong” person. But all that hurt is still floating in the background. You are strong, but you can be strong and still be wounded. God can only heal what you open to him. It’s time to unwrap the things that you have been hiding from everyone. Open up to God. FEEL IT ALL. Take off your mask. It’s time to feel again. Have you ever thought that maybe you’re the one everyone is looking at to make the first move? No pressure but be the friend that someone else is needing. Release your pain to God so that in due time you can be a testimony to others.

If you don’t deal with your trauma here it will eventually catch up to there. The same goes with your past. Stop caring about what others are going to think. God calls you by name! He doesn’t call you by the names that others call you. I know you’re still frustrated by some of the things that have happened and the emotional wounds that the voices of others have left on you. No one is perfect. Don’t let what they did steal your compassion for others. Let’s open up and talk about real life issues. I encourage you to feel it all, even if it takes some time to pass. Feel so that you can heal. Feel so that you can bloom with compassion. Feel so God can work in all your brokenness.


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